miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2020



I believe that a great part of my life I have wanted to travel to Greece, since I consider it as one of the most influential countries in terms of philosophy, literature, theater, architectural works, among others. It has always attracted my attention because of its antiquity and its history, considered as the first great civilization of the West and its culture. In addition, what I like best are the beaches and cultural areas that are so famous and much visited by everyone.

If I went to Greece I would like to visit the most famous places like for example the island Rhodes because it has a great legacy of myths and legends and I love everything related to the mysticism of this place.  I would also like to go to Athens because it is the capital of the country and has wonderful places to know and explore. Although I find it very mysterious and has beautiful places to admire and know in depth, I would only like to go on a trip because I think that when you live in a place most of the time you lose the "magic" of the place, while if you go to know you are left with the illusion of returning again. But I think that it would be an excellent experience to be able to visit and learn from a culture with as much importance as Greece has.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Cata,Greece is also the city I would like to visit, what a coincidence! I agree with you, I consider that it has been a very influential culture in society to this day. I would also love to visit the capital Athens and the beautiful islands.

    1. Hello Meli, I hope that one day we can get to know this wonderful country and its so charming culture.

  2. Very good blog! Greece also interests me, because the democracy was born there and appears in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. Greetings.

    1. Hello Matías, actually Greece was and is a very influential country, especially about democracy.


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