miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2020

POST 6 "Summer Plans"

 For this summer I think it will be very different because of the pandemic we are living. But the most possible thing is that I will go on vacation to the south of Chile, since several years ago I haven't been able to go out because of different situations and when I went out it was with uncles or cousins but not with my parents because my father always had to work and my mother stayed at home. But this summer we plan to go with my parents, my dog, my sister and her husband to Osorno and all the places nearby and I'm very happy because I have never gone on vacation with my sister and it will be fun to do so. Although if we go, it will be with all the preventive measures so that we don't get sick and we can enjoy ourselves.

I have always loved the south of Chile, I have traveled through almost all the south but this time I hope to know places that I haven't known and be able to go to thermal waters because I find them very relaxing and with a very different environment. Although at the moment I believe that it will not be possible to do the same activities that before, but only for the fact of going to the south I'm happy, to walk a lot and to enjoy the landscapes, rivers, lakes and foods of this place. 

In this vacation I plan to rest and spend more time with my family, especially with my brothers, since I'll be without studying or working. I'll be busy resting and helping out around the house because the rest of the year I have to study.
I think the most important thing about this summer vacation is to take care of ourselves and maintain all the preventive measures in order to stay healthy.

5 comentarios:

  1. Hello Catalina, I hope you can complete all your summer plans and enjoy yourself and your family. I really like the south of Chile, it's beautiful.

  2. Hi Cata, I would be very happy for you if you could go south and enjoy it because you deserve it, I think it very entertaining that you go with your sister and your dog, give his a kiss from me.

  3. Hi Cata, the south is wonderful, I hope you can enjoy your vacation a lot, since it has been a difficult year, kisses.

  4. Hi Cata! I hope the conditions are there to be able to travel calmly and safely. good luck!

  5. Hello Cata, i was in the south and i agree with you that it's a lovely place and i have left many things to know too.


POST 6 "Summer Plans"

  For this summer I think it will be very different because of the pandemic we are living. But the most possible thing is that I will go on ...