martes, 27 de octubre de 2020



All my life I have loved the south of Chile, and my best vacation has been right there as I always entertain and relax a lot because of the people who live there and the landscapes. This vacation was in the year 2015 with my uncles and cousins, we traveled almost the entire south, especially Villarrica and its surroundings, we had a great time and walked a lot because we went a couple of days to a field of a friend of our family and there we could eat typical things of that place and participate in a party of that sector.

We spent almost a month touring the south, but we stayed in Villarrica mainly to be able to accompany our friends. We were able to visit different places and go to rivers and different lakes, as well as eat a lot and eat different foods (I think it was the best). In most of the time of those vacations, what I did most was to travel to different places and thus get to know many customs, forests, animals, among others. Besides, my uncles worked as they were jewelers at that time and we were able to stay much longer than planned. What I loved most was being able to know so much and share with my family, I think these are memories that will always be with me. In my opinion the south is the most beautiful place that Chile has and it is always nice to visit, know and participate in activities like this.


10 comentarios:

  1. What a lovely holidays!! My family lives in the south too but I never visited Villarica in my life. I hope to be able to do an amazing trip like yours someday. Chile is a magical country when you run away from Santiago jahsja

    1. The south of Chile is very beautiful, it has so many wonderful things. How lucky you are to have family in the south!

  2. I've been in Villarrica just once in my life, when i finished high school my class went on a tour and this city was in the schedule, unfortunately, we stayed like 3 days only. It is a beautiful place, i wish i could've stayed as long as you did.

    1. I hope someday you can stay more days in Villarrica because it really has lovely landscapes and you will like it even more.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Hi Cata, I haven't been going south for many years, but I agree with you that it's very beautiful (according to the memories I have hahaha, although I don't even remember Villarica anymore). It's also great that you have family there and have been able to partake of all those moments with they.

  5. Hello Cata, you reminded me of how beautiful southern Chile is and now I want to go there, unfortunately it is more complicated due to the pandemic, I hope it ends soon to be able to enjoy the beautiful landscape of Villarrica. Kisses

  6. Hello catalina, really the south of chile is wonderful, i love to visit villarica, pucon, the lake area, it is magic to feel surrounded by nature, i visit this place very often, since i live near there, greetings

  7. Hello Catalina, your best trip sound great and the south of Chile is beautiful<3

  8. Hi Cata!, me too love the south of Chile, my favourite city is Valdivia. I met Villarrica for the study tour. Its beautiful. Greetings


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