miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2020

Post 4 My future job

I would like to work in a public organization, in a more stable and formal way. But working to really help the citizens, I would like very much to be in a public institution to be able to deal a little more directly with the population, because this type of work calls my attention a lot, to be stable in one place, but helping and generating a real change, in topics that are of my interest as regards children (SENAME) or in the Contraloria General de la República.

I imagine it more in an open air place, but I wouldn't bother in an office either because I also like it, but I think the open air is more different. With a group of colleagues who are innovative in terms of the ideas and decisions that must be carried out, who think about other people and work hard for it. In addition, I would like to have contact with the demands of citizens, I think it would be complex, but I could put my knowledge into action. It would be ideal to be able to travel because I could acquire more knowledge about public administration, especially in the area of public innovation and the changes that can be made from other countries and their programs.

As for the salary, I would like one that makes me have economic stability in my life, but that is not an abuse either. I am currently studying public administration and would like to continue studying and specialize in some area, but I still don't know what area I would specialize in, I am still looking for what I like. 

6 comentarios:

  1. Hi Cata, I consider that the institutions that you named as SENAME and the Comptroller General of the Republic are very important.I hope you find an area that you like so you can specialize in it.

  2. Hello Cata! I love your servicial vision, I think it's one of the most important characteristics that a public administrator should have, i hope that in the future you can work in the area you want the most!

  3. Hi Cata, try to solve and apply reforms to the problems of children and the SENAME is very important. I hope that in the near future you can find an area of ​​expertise.

  4. Hello Cata, the areas you mention are very important, I am also interested in working on children's issues, since it is urgent to change institutions such as sename. Regards!

  5. Hi catalina! I really hope you can get your dream job and generate the change that institutions such as SENAME need so much.

  6. Hi Cata, I am so glad that you are very interested in the area of public policy innovation. The new administration must come loaded with new ideas that are concerned with citizens' demands. Good luck.


POST 6 "Summer Plans"

  For this summer I think it will be very different because of the pandemic we are living. But the most possible thing is that I will go on ...