miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2020

POST 6 "Summer Plans"

 For this summer I think it will be very different because of the pandemic we are living. But the most possible thing is that I will go on vacation to the south of Chile, since several years ago I haven't been able to go out because of different situations and when I went out it was with uncles or cousins but not with my parents because my father always had to work and my mother stayed at home. But this summer we plan to go with my parents, my dog, my sister and her husband to Osorno and all the places nearby and I'm very happy because I have never gone on vacation with my sister and it will be fun to do so. Although if we go, it will be with all the preventive measures so that we don't get sick and we can enjoy ourselves.

I have always loved the south of Chile, I have traveled through almost all the south but this time I hope to know places that I haven't known and be able to go to thermal waters because I find them very relaxing and with a very different environment. Although at the moment I believe that it will not be possible to do the same activities that before, but only for the fact of going to the south I'm happy, to walk a lot and to enjoy the landscapes, rivers, lakes and foods of this place. 

In this vacation I plan to rest and spend more time with my family, especially with my brothers, since I'll be without studying or working. I'll be busy resting and helping out around the house because the rest of the year I have to study.
I think the most important thing about this summer vacation is to take care of ourselves and maintain all the preventive measures in order to stay healthy.

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2020


Hi everyone, today I'm going to talk about my favorite series, although I really like watching movies more.

My favorite series is The Simpsons, I think one of the most famous comedy series with an animated format, is a classic. It is about American society in a sarcastic way about how they are, on the other hand, it tells about a middle class family that lives in a town called Springfield, this family is composed by Homer, Marge, Lisa, Bart and Maggie. I love it because it has a completely different mood and it makes me laugh in almost every chapter, plus each character has a unique personality that reflects different situations. The Simpsons I have been watching it for a long time, since the first time I saw the series I liked it a lot and I became a big fan, I even know some chapters by heart, I think that no series of this type can beat it.

When choosing a series, my preferences are almost always mystery and terror, but I also like some like "You", "The Paper House", "Vis a Vis", among others. These series are really good and I have been watching them for days and have been very excited with every situation that happens. Of the three that I mentioned, I was very impressed, although they are different but very good.



One of the series that I have heard about lately and that catches my attention is "Anne with an E", when I finish all my exams I will see her.

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2020

Post 4 My future job

I would like to work in a public organization, in a more stable and formal way. But working to really help the citizens, I would like very much to be in a public institution to be able to deal a little more directly with the population, because this type of work calls my attention a lot, to be stable in one place, but helping and generating a real change, in topics that are of my interest as regards children (SENAME) or in the Contraloria General de la República.

I imagine it more in an open air place, but I wouldn't bother in an office either because I also like it, but I think the open air is more different. With a group of colleagues who are innovative in terms of the ideas and decisions that must be carried out, who think about other people and work hard for it. In addition, I would like to have contact with the demands of citizens, I think it would be complex, but I could put my knowledge into action. It would be ideal to be able to travel because I could acquire more knowledge about public administration, especially in the area of public innovation and the changes that can be made from other countries and their programs.

As for the salary, I would like one that makes me have economic stability in my life, but that is not an abuse either. I am currently studying public administration and would like to continue studying and specialize in some area, but I still don't know what area I would specialize in, I am still looking for what I like. 

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2020



The movie that during my childhood and that currently is still my favorite is "Coraline y la puerta secreta" is an American animation film based on a novel by Neil Gaiman Coraline. The truth is that I define the film as very rare and I think that's what strikes me most, because it makes you think more and at the same time it generates curiosity and mystery when you want to discover what really happens or if what really happens is how it looks. Also, the doll is what intrigues me the most from the beginning to the end.

I remember that the first time I saw it, was when I was about ten years old and from that moment until now, I have seen it too many times and I am not someone who likes to watch the same movie twice or more, but I really love this one. I have even seen it with my mother and she finds it very good and above all very mysterious and at the same time fictional.

I often watch horror or mystery movies, because I'm very curious about anything that has to do with paranormal or unexplained things, and Coraline is a very strange movie and the fact that it's strange is what makes me want to see it so many times and look for explanations for certain moments in the movie. I also always look at this type of film, the background music, the characters, among other aspects.

The most recent film I've seen is precisely a psychological terror, drama and suspense film called "Ghostland". It's one of the strangest films I've seen so far, and one that generates suspense throughout almost the entire course of its duration, since the main characters are terrifying both psychologically and physically. I highly recommend it if someone likes this type of film and if they aren't sensitive, because equally strong events happen.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2020



All my life I have loved the south of Chile, and my best vacation has been right there as I always entertain and relax a lot because of the people who live there and the landscapes. This vacation was in the year 2015 with my uncles and cousins, we traveled almost the entire south, especially Villarrica and its surroundings, we had a great time and walked a lot because we went a couple of days to a field of a friend of our family and there we could eat typical things of that place and participate in a party of that sector.

We spent almost a month touring the south, but we stayed in Villarrica mainly to be able to accompany our friends. We were able to visit different places and go to rivers and different lakes, as well as eat a lot and eat different foods (I think it was the best). In most of the time of those vacations, what I did most was to travel to different places and thus get to know many customs, forests, animals, among others. Besides, my uncles worked as they were jewelers at that time and we were able to stay much longer than planned. What I loved most was being able to know so much and share with my family, I think these are memories that will always be with me. In my opinion the south is the most beautiful place that Chile has and it is always nice to visit, know and participate in activities like this.


miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2020



I believe that a great part of my life I have wanted to travel to Greece, since I consider it as one of the most influential countries in terms of philosophy, literature, theater, architectural works, among others. It has always attracted my attention because of its antiquity and its history, considered as the first great civilization of the West and its culture. In addition, what I like best are the beaches and cultural areas that are so famous and much visited by everyone.

If I went to Greece I would like to visit the most famous places like for example the island Rhodes because it has a great legacy of myths and legends and I love everything related to the mysticism of this place.  I would also like to go to Athens because it is the capital of the country and has wonderful places to know and explore. Although I find it very mysterious and has beautiful places to admire and know in depth, I would only like to go on a trip because I think that when you live in a place most of the time you lose the "magic" of the place, while if you go to know you are left with the illusion of returning again. But I think that it would be an excellent experience to be able to visit and learn from a culture with as much importance as Greece has.

POST 6 "Summer Plans"

  For this summer I think it will be very different because of the pandemic we are living. But the most possible thing is that I will go on ...